LOKERMENTIKO.COM - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terupdate Februari 2025 di Medan dan Sumatera Utara.

Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.lokermentiko.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja Terupdate, Terpopuler dan Terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Perintis Timbangan Indonesia.

PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA has built up a reputation as one of leading scale company In Indonesia which supplies various of scale, balance, load cells, indicators, and scale parts of industrial scale like truck scale, platform scale, batching controller, packaging machine, bagging machine, pallet scale, forklift scale, filling machine and offer full range of scale.

PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA manufacture many kinds of scale, like floor scale, load bar, animal scale, truck scale and other product which related with scale. we use high quality material and good quality control for own manufacture product with a reliable performance.

PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA also supply scale solution for project check weigher system and all kind of scale solution for costumer needs. PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA also offer a full range of analytical balance, high precision balance and jewelers balance for working with gold and precious stones.

PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA main business is to support all the scale dealer, sub dealer, scale makers and ather scale company with the very competitive price.

PT. PERINTIS TIMBANGAN INDONESIA has a full complete range of weighing product and has 3 level of market target which is : high and user market, medium level market, and cost effectiove or low price product with reasonable quality.

Kindly refer to our company website mentioned above for more details. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you need any further clarification in our service.

Saat ini, PT Perintis Timbangan Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara dengan posisi berikut ini:

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera antar langsung lamaran lengkap, CV, Fotocopy Ijasah Terakhir / Transkip Nilai, Pasphoto terbaru dan dokumen yang diperlukan ke:
PT Perintis Timbangan Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu No. 72 - 72A, Medan

LINK OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA & GROUP: https://linktr.ee/lokershareinone
DONASI: https://saweria.co/lokershareinone


Baca Berita Terupdate berikut ini:

Warning: Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Pastikan lowongan pekerjaan di situs resminya atau pun social medianya yang valid.

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