LOKERMENTIKO.COM - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terupdate Maret 2025 di Medan dan Sumatera Utara.

Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.lokermentiko.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja Terupdate, Terkini dan Terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Bina Artha Ventura (Bina Artha).

PT Bina Artha Ventura (Bina Artha) is a fast growing Venture Capital Company actively engaged in the microfinance sector in Indonesia since December 2011.

Bina Artha offers working capital through a modified version of the traditional microfinance Grameen group methodology exclusively to women who do not have or have only partial access to the formal financial sector. In addition, Bina Artha provides access to business loans for small enterprises.

Currently, Bina Artha provides its services through an extensive network of almost 346 branches reaching over 382,412 clients in Java and Sulawesi islands, and plans to gradually expand to other islands of Indonesia.

Bina Artha is inspired by the ideal that giving access to finance to low income households engaged in micro and small enterprises provides them with an important tool to achieve economic and social upliftment. Bina Artha thrives to work in a fair, transparent, efficient and sustainable manner and we have a quite ambitious dream: to reach 1,000,000 households with our financial services in the next few years.

Bina Artha is part of CreditAccess Asia, a € 1106 million assets credit group, head-quartered in Amsterdam, managing integrated microfinance operations in India and South-East Asia (Indonesia and the Philippines), serving 3 million self-employed and micro-enterprise clients.

Bina Artha is registered and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan-OJK).

Saat ini, PT. Bina Artha Ventura membuka lowongan kerja di Perbaungan dan Air Batu, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, Silahkan DAFTAR ONLINE

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